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A few words from those who have worked with Josh first hand! Click on a pic to read.

Alison Beltran has lost 100 pounds.  She used Josh as her personal trainer.

“He went above and beyond.  He dealt with special issues I had, but the most remarkable thing Josh did for me, is taught me how to believe in myself.”​ <read more>
Alison Beltran, lost 100+ pounds​

Mike lost over 50 pounds.  He used Josh as his personal trainer.

“Towards the end of the program, I noticed something I had never seen before.  Abs!”

Mike Link, Software Engineer <

Natatia is a high school teacher in Savannah, Georgia.  She saw amazing results with Josh as her trainer!

“Josh has a special gift as a trainer.  He makes you feel at ease at the gym.  But he pushes you to your greatest limit and gives you the confidence to do anything you desire in the gym.”​ <read more>
Natatia Van Ellison, High School Teacher

Linnea is a national record holder in powerlifting.  She was able to lift more weight with Josh as her trainer.

“I could not have made this amazing change in my life if it weren't for the support of Josh Squyres and the amazing community of Golds Gym Venice!”​  <read more>
Linnea Harrison, National Powerlifting Record Holder​

Geoff Bartakovics is the C.E.O. for  He gained 10 pounds in three months of muscle working with Josh as his trainer.

“Josh Squyres not only pushed me past that plateau; he somehow managed to improve my personal perception of how fit I can be.”​ <read more>
Geoff Bartakovics, C.E.O.

Frances Squyres trained with Josh to get ready for their wedding.  She got in tremendous shape.  She gained muscle and lost fat.

“Not only was I loving the muscle definition I was seeing, but I felt incredible and had tons of energy.”

I actually started craving going to the gym." <read more>​
Frances Squyres, Bride & Nurse

Karly was a collegiate volleyball player for UC San Diego.  She trained with Josh for a summer and saw great increases in vertical jump and power.

“If you want results, Josh is the one to go to.  He won't let you down. He has passion, a gift with working with people, and he encourages, inspires, and helps you to reach your goals.”​ <read more>
Karly Deer, UC San Diego Women's Volleyball

Brendan played lacrosse for UC Santa Barbara.  He is now the owner of House Beer and trains with Josh.  He has seen tremendous gains in strength.

"I have found that he posesses these characteristics of an excellent coach."          

 Brendan Sindell, UC Santa Barbara Men's Lacrosse      <read more>

Rita is a successful financial advisor. Displayed is her letter. She used Josh as her personal trainer and saw great success.  She lost inches around her abs and lost bodyfat.
Rita is a successful financial advisor. Displayed is her letter. She used Josh as her personal trainer and saw great success.  She lost inches around her abs and lost bodyfat.

“Josh is really great at reinforcing excellent technique in a quiet and gentle manner. Since taking the class and many VBC sessions later I won a Silver medal at my last meet!. I'm a fan!”​ <read more>
 Joanne Pope, Weightlifter, Crossfit Athlete

“I would definitely recommend any of Josh's weightlifting PCF University classes to anyone trying to improve their skill, technique & performance in either the Olympic weightlifting or Crossfit arena.​  <read more>
 Lindsay Suddell, Weightlifter, Crossftit Athlete

Character: Give your all.  When you fall, get back up.

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