Monday Snatch 5x2-3 80-85%
Snatch pull 5x3 100% Overhead squat 3 rep max Hyperextension 3x10 with weight Tuesday Back squat 5 rep max
Jump squat with Barbell 3x10 Back squat dips 3x5 110-130% Barbell stepups 4x5 each leg heavy RDL 5X3 Wednesday Jerk 3 rep max 80-85% Jerk drives 3x3 110-130% Dips 5x5 with weight if possible Lateral raise 3X15 Overhead tricep extension 3x10 Situp 3x35 Thursday Rest Friday Clean 3 second pause from shin 5x2 80-85% Clean pull 3x3 100-110% Front squat 3x3 3 second pause at bottom 70-80% Hyperextension 4x8 with weight Saturday
Thruster 5x3 moderate Front squat 3 rep max, -5-10kg 3x3 Front squat dips 3x5 110-130% Snatch rdl 5x3 Sunday Rest