Monday Snatch +overhead squat 5x2+1 80-85% Snatch pull 3 second pause at shin 3x3 90% Overhead squat 3 rep max, -5-10kg 2x3 try to add weight Behind the neck snatch grip pullup 3x5-15 Hyperextension 3x10 with weight Tuesday Back squat 5x5 75-80% Back squat dips 3x3 100% RDL 3x6 add weight from last week Bench press 3x5 add weight from last week Situp 3x20-30 Wednesday Jerk with 3 second pause on finished position 5x2 80-85% Jerk drives 3x3 100% Jerk recovery 3x3 100% Power clean from block + front squat 5x2+3 80-85% Seated good morning 3x10 Thursday rest Friday Clean+front squat 5x2+1 80-85% Clean pull 3 second pause at shin 3x3 90% Clean grip overhead squat 3 rep max, -5-10kg 2x3 add weight from last week Overhead tricep extension 4x8 add weight from last week Hyperextension 3x6 3 second pause with weight add weight Saturday Front squat 5x3 80% Front squat dips 3x3 100% Rounded back deadlift 3x6 add weight from last week Military press 3x5 add weight from last week Leg raise 3x10-20 Sunday rest