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Writer's pictureCoach Josh Squyres

Week of 8/6 week 8

I apologize for the delay in posting. Hopefully you were able to train well. I have been in Russia the past few weeks. I will begin with week 8 for continuity.


Clean & jerk 5×2 85-90%

Clean pull off platform 90-100% 3×3

Clean pull 100-115% 3×2

Push Press 5 rep max, -5-10kg 2×5

Barbell overhead tricep extension 3×15


Back Squat 5 rep max, -5-10kg 2×5

Back squat with 3 second pause at bottom 75-90% 5×1

Leg extension 3×10

Rounded back deadlift moderate to heavy 4×6

Unsupported Dumbbell Row 3×15-20


Muscle snatch 3×2

Snatch 7×2 80-90%

Snatch pull off platform 90-100% 3×3

Snatch pull 100-115% 3×2

Snatch grip push press 5 rep max, -5-10kg 2×5

Hyperextension 3×10 with weight behind the head


Jerk 3×2 85-90%

Front Squat 5 rep max, -5-10kg 2×5

Front squat with 3 second pause at bottom 75-90% 5×1

RDL 4×6 heavy

Dips 5×5 with weight if possible


Power snatch 3 rep max, -5-10kg 3×3

Power clean and jerk 3 rep max, -5-10kg 2×3

Clean pull off block 5×2 120-140%

Military press max -5-10kg 3×2

Good morning 3×10

Leg raise 3×20

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