Team Josh

Here we are at our men's breakfast. Words can not express what a great group these guys are. My buddy, Lee Haney, is on my right.

I remember the night Grandaddy called me and said, "We're flying to Austin, Texas tomorrow. You're going to audition for Angel Spassov in order to live and train in Bulgaria". Still surreal.

I am so blessed to have such love and support. I am extremely grateful to all the people in my life who have been there for me.

If you want something done, get Grandaddy King on board! Periodically he would organize fundraisers to support my training. Here we are with some of the core members of Team Josh.

Frances Squyres, The Coach, Jerry King, James Waters, and Grandaddy King at the Weightlifting National Championships in Chicago, Illinois.

Grandaddy King and I traveled all over training and competing. Here we are at East Tennessee State University for a competition.

My sister, Patience Long, her husband, Jonathan and my nephew, Jo Jo, stopped by to watch me train.

Here I am after a fundraiser with the King men.

If you don't have friends to share your journey with, it's not worth it.