
Weighlifting is an explosive combination of strength and speed.

For some reason I like to act like Michael Jordan before I lift. Haven't figure that one out yet!

Here is a great view of the finished snatch from behind. The snatch is a very fast and technical lift.

The recovery portion of the clean is a front squat. Front squats are an important exercise in Olympic weightlifting.

The Olympic lifts consist of two pulls: a deadlift (which is the first pull) and a second pull (as seen in the pic). The second pull is an explosive thrust of the hips into the bar.

I always like to take a second to pause and calm my spirit before I lift. The mind is the most important body part to train in Olympic weightlifting and life.

Here I am getting ready to perform a jerk after a clean. I was training with Coastal Empire Weightlifting, my good friend, Kerri Goodrich's club.

Olympic weightlifting requires a constant imposing of the will on the body to change. That's why Coach Kang made me perform back squats after a competition. Grow, legs!!

Here I am warming up for the snatch at Georgia Tech. I am rocking those blue tights!